Monday, October 15, 2018

15 Oct 2018

A very poignant post over at the Burning Platform.  'The Lathe of Hell' and I highly recommend it!

Lets start the week.

Yet another summary of the Q Phenom over at Lew Rockwell.  This one a bit more succinct and easy to follow than others Ive read.  At least for my retarded self...  The takeaway for me: 8chan/patriotsfight/ is the board to follow for the time being.


So I mentioned some time back that I was wondering how to vote next month seeing as I think it mostly an exercise in futility.  Jury is still out.


Ah, the game of pretend.  The chief occupation of childhood...  It has now become the chief occupation of millions of voters who failed to mature into adults.


Thank you Senator Warren.  It seems that we have reached the point now that was prophesied in the great movie 'The Incredibles'.  Everyone is now special, so nobody is.  Good job.


Some progress was made on the website over the weekend.  Now I am just awaiting a link to login for the first time, then its off to the races!

All for now, rather tired today.

Monday, October 8, 2018

8 Oct 2018

Well looks like the MGTOW/ Red Pill movement sure gained a lot of recruits these last couple of weeks.  Not sure if it will have much impact on the election though.  Will the populace be satisfied with getting Kav in place and let the Cloud People have the House or will they continue to carry the fight and deny them the House?  Tune in next month for another annoying chapter of American Politics...


Thomas Chittum wrote the book on Civil War in the 90's.  Literally.  Its called CW2.  In it, he suggests a number of axes along which society will likely dis-integrate.  I think another may need to be added: male/ female.


Savvy investors will go long on rope and wire for whats in store for your ilk.  From Aesop.  Good one my man!!


Curious how the various lawyers for Ford are also involved in defending FBI formers in the Russia Collusion narrative.  Hm.  Wonder why that would be. 

Also, I see reports that Ford has decided not to seek further investigations against Kav.  Surely she should do so, being that she knows who attacked her, etc. etc.  Should be a slam dunk!


Finally, thankfully!! On to another subject that keeps coming up like bile in the mouth...  Kaepernick has been robbed of his dream to play football again.  Not quite sure or how, but its probably much the same as someone playing with a gun who shoots off their foot will have trouble playing in the NFL also.  Or its Whiteys fault.  Personally Im betting on Whitey...


Excellent article over at the Daily Bell on why your vote is irrelevant and has been since 1913.  Alas, there is math involved and I fear too many may be too intimidated by something simple to grok it.  Pity....


Holy Cow, end of day, where DID the time go!  Manana folks!

Friday, October 5, 2018

5 Oct 2018

Sorry for the lack of posting, my one dear reader.  I have been out of contact with what passes for civilization for the better part of the last week.  I know, lots to catch up on.  I think instead, lets just start here and go forward as best we can.

So now that the rule of law no longer exists and it is ok to just accuse someone, expecting to be believed, I think I would like to accuse Whoopi Goldberg of assaulting me.  It was a horrifying experience, and while I cant quite recall the location or exact timing, it has left me totally unable to watch shows such as Sister Act or Ghost.  Oh the humanity...


Please remember that the smartest of a large number of hamsters is still a hamster.  I stole that one from Fred Reed.  Highly recommended...


Joe Biden has accused Trump followers of cultish devotion.  That seems probable to me.  It is the natural reaction at being shown,via Obama the Annointed, that it is fine to propel a leader to such a position.  Especially one that craves the adulation as both men do. 


Sir David Attenborough is, I presume, on suicide watch.  He has been quoted as saying that the BBC still needs 'white men explaining things' to audiences.  Oh yes he did!  I didnt get the time stamp on the article, but one can only presume that a grovelling apology will be forthcoming in 3,2,1...

Or perhaps he will be stripped of his Knighthood.  I can see the Queen doing that.  Musn't not be proper after all.  Stiff upper lip, etc etc.


I can only assume that Che Guevara is no longer the patron saint of La Revolution given the new standard of holding against you something that was done or said during your youth...  He was ahead of David Duke in his racial views there can be little doubt.  And while he admitted he changed in later years, I dont suppose that really matters after Kav.


I got an alert on my cellular telephone device the other day from Hizzoner The Great Oz! President of the United States.  Now I adore and dote on the man for his fighting skillz, but I dont want him able to call me up on a whim.  I detested the ability of the former Magic Negro Obama doing so with the alert system and I despise the Trump for doing so.  See?  Im an equal opportunity hater!


New rules for Men boil down to this: avoid women as much as possible.  When not possible, have plenty of witnesses.  No other clarifications required.  The MGTOW movement and the Black Pill might be onto something...


Someone commented the other day that the white liberals will come around once something comes along that scares them.  The implication was that it will come on the form of a race-related issue, but Im not so sure.  I can see threats coming from directions that they thought were well and truly locked down...


Dang, is already taken for nefarious purposes...


Tired and backed up at work.  More later.  Peace.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

25 Sep 2018

Evidence no longer seems to be a western value.  Bummer.


LOLOLOL!!!  New accuser claims gang rape!  Oh my, my sides are hurting from laughing so much!! She probably did suffer a gang rape at some point but that was probably a band of big burly black guys from the looks of her...

So she went to the party, knowing there were gang 'rapes' going on there as they had in the past.  I think they call that a fetish in the porn world...




It gets tiring, doesnt it...

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

24 Sep 2018

Hmmm.  Another woman has been found with a self admitted faulty memory that has undoubtedly received a truckload of cash to accuse BrettKav of evil doing.  Im half their age, never got drunk at a party and still dont recall anything that happened at any that I went to. 


I have a real moral dilemma.  Do I go vote 'no contest' as I have been wont to do for the last 10-12 years?  Or do I go vote a straight Republican ticket to piss off the Cloud People?  Or do I vote a straight Democrat ticket to help cause a pronounced shit to the left, thereby encouraging a counter balancing move, a la Kung Fu Dancing?


Some folks are suggesting that the NYT article on Rosenstein might be a setup to get Trump to fire the man.  Sort of like throwing poisoned red meat to a guard dog.  I do think its a bit curious that the Times put the story out there.  Why would they?  Cui bono? 


Hm.  Roddy seems to have offered his resignation.  Sure would like to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation.  He offered it to Kelly, not Trump.  Curiouser and curiouser...


The next domino in the Twitter purge is Mr James Woods.  Got


I took the rare step of calling my senators today to let em know: confirm him, or lose the mid terms.  I gotta admit, I felt pretty gangster...


Dang, I forgot to post this.  Sorry!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

20 Sep 2018

Thank whatever god or gods there be that the bid is done and out the door!  Now I can get back to more important things, like making snarky comments on the news and wondering about the mysteries of the universe!


One of the professional groups I belong to is hosting a go-kart event tonight.  Attendance looked to be pretty slim, so we invited the Twin Peaks girls yesterday.  Dont know if they'll show, but if they do you can rest assured next years event will be well attended!


DiFi claims the media outed Kavenaughs accuser.  So?


Would you give your personal workout info and daily habits via a fitness tracker to a life insurance company in exchange for a better rate?  Looks like it may be coming, be prepared to make the choice.


Project Veritas is getting some pretty juicy inside info and starting to make it public.  The Cloud People are starting to take shape, and a front runner organization is the DSA.  Curious constitution they have written...


I dance the Roof Korean.  If the Cloud People get their way on Kav then there will be no ability for any opposition to run against them.  Ever.  All it will take is some 666 willing to claim that they were groped/ raped/ looked at wrong 40 years ago and that run will be over stat.  And at that point we may as well do the Dance.


BTW, the aforementioned Project Veritas (PV hence) has documented that it isnt just the leadership of the various ABC agencies of Fed.Gov that are actively partaking in the coup, it is the rank and file.  They should be taught the Dance or altenratively given interactive Pinochet lessons.


As I get older I am, daily, more certan that we should be more uncertain of those who are certain.


My day is done, I think I shall have a nice cigar and ignore the remainder of the planet for a bit.

Monday, September 17, 2018

17 Sep 2018

Sure enough, she was anti-Trump.  Shocking.  Yawn.  #MeToo are just common thugs and have been from the very beginning.  A new and 'better' way to gain power and shake people down.  Extortionists and the misguided.  They are in dangerous territory I think...


I find myself in a Twilight Zone episode now that I am in agreement with Sean Penn on something.  #MeToo is just another means to divide people.


Today is day #15 of work without a break.  Getting worn down...  More outrage another day.